jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011


I'm contemplating constellations spreading on my desk
while blood sweat continues dripping from my forehead...
this is not about sadness
something within me is wondering
what's it like
to exist without material condition

I say all forces are nothing compared to nature
watch the trees
gently bowing down to the wind
and its fury

Nothing hurts more than knowing
your tangible self is useless
if there isn't anyone
or anything
remaining witness of your essence

Eu sou...





sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

Nouvelle vague

He always leaves with the cold of winter.

I'm starting to think he was never here, though. There's nothing here that could evidence his momentaneous existance. Not a single picture, a note. He was just passing through...

I wrote. I thought. I screamed.
Nothing changed. Except my skin.